Thursday, January 28, 2010

The Nasty Bug!

A Nasty Bug!

I woke up one Monday morning just as dawn was breaking out over the trees.  I sluggishly walked downstairs and prepared my favorite cup of Joe (that's joe in a cup on right).  The house was quiet, all my little angels happily in their beds, even hubby was sound asleep quietly captivated by whatever dream he was deep inside of.  I turned on Misty (my laptop's name) and the pretty  blue world of Windows was smiling proudly at me, asking me to type in
my security name so we could get busy for the day and then my life was horribly infected!  The screen was not my beautiful sand dunes and sunrise it was black, dark, threatening, mean, it murdered my icons and allowed a nasty bug called Security Tools to strip Misty down and take all she had, whhhhyyyyy Misty noooooo????

I felt creepy, violated, beaten, there was this big square block screaming at me with somekind of banging chime like sound, yelling and constantly telling me, "Warning, Danger!"  I thought Will Robinson and robot were going to come smashing into my bedroom and slap me!  I fought back tears why was this happening to me, don't those cyber nut freaks know that I need to write! What was I to do, I loaded up Misty, took her to Dr. Geeksquad and he told me in a happy grinch like way, "We can fix that for you for only $200.00, would you like us to get that started today?" Still devilishly smiling at me, his chubby sausage like fingers wrapped around my Misty, I said know and snatched her quickly from his club like hands. 
Then I took control of myself, being the Wonder Woman I dream of being I called my security system Webroot, and asked them how is this possible that I have this climitius type bug on my Laptop?  I said, "Aren't you suppose to keep this from happening?"  The woman on the line (that I envision sitting somewhere in her Kitchen) says to me, "Ma'am we are hiring new people to figure these bugs out and we are just so short staffed..."  I blinked and digested and breathed I said, "Well why don't you guys sell your product for half since your so short staffed?"  She gave me the obligatory customer service laugh, waited a minute and then said, "For 99.00 we can fix your problem or we can send you a link and you can fix it yourself for free just follow the prompts, what would you like to do?" See right here, I'm going to give God credit, because of him I have patience and my mind was free of the many curse words that I would have said not less then 10 years ago:)  All I said was, "Send me the information and I will figure it out on my own for free!"

Guess what people I did it!!! 2 painstakingly weeks later my laptop is out of ICU and recovering gracefully from that nasty flu like murderous bug that tried to kill her.  Misty kicked that bug in the pants and she is still surviving!!!!

How is your computer doing?  Any bugs lately?


Unknown said...

I'm knocking on wood as I type! no bugs. But if your screen was black, how was she able to send you the link to fix it?

GunDiva said...

Oh Congratulations on Misty's recovery. My laptop suffered an ITD (internet transmitted disease) a month or so ago and our IT guy at work fixed it. Only a week later another ITD showed up on my jump drive. My entire life is on my jump drive. Thank God for our IT guy, who saved that too!

Lourie said...

I am very fortunate to have a computer guru for a hubby. My laptop "Shakespeare" as I call him, has only had one or two bugs, knock wood. I have tackled many spywares and malware. I have quite an armory on this bad boy. Hope Misty stays well.

erica said...

Oh my... that is horrible.. but I am glad Misty is feeling better!

I've got a Mac... never a bug here!

Claudya Martinez said...

My computer was not well too and I fixed it myself because Geek squad wanted $149.

Sandra Winn said...

Oh, mercy, Ms. Wanda! Ugh, it's due to the headaches we had so many times on Windows throughout the years that I am now a Mac snob, lol. We still have a couple of older Windows computers but neither my Macbook or IMac has had a virus, worm, or other nasty internet but in over three, count them, three years! I don't even need spyware or a virus protection program--nothing. The only time hackers manage to hack an Apple is when they do a security thingy once a year and find problems with Safari, Apple's browser. However, KNOWING that I refuse to use any browser except FireFox and now Google Chrome.

I recommend you use Firefox or Google Chrome and take advantage of their add-ons like WOT (Web of Trust, which shows green-red circles that pop up for websites to let you know whether they are safe or not, as well as an adblock program.

Good luck! Moms's Fighting Fat is back by the way!

Hugs ~ Sandy


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